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Latest Current Affairs 18th November 2021

Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Availability in States/UTs:The Union Government is committed to accelerating the pace and expanding the scope of COVID-19 vaccination throughout the country. The new phase of universalization of COVID-19 vaccination commenced from 21st June 2021. The vaccination drive has been ramped up through availability of more vaccines, advance visibility of vaccine availability to States and UTs for enabling better planning by them, and streamlining the vaccine supply chain.

UN adopts consensus resolution on Rohingyas and other minorities in Myanmar:The UN General Assembly  third committee adopted a consensus resolution asking to ensure accountability for human rights violations against the Rohingya and other minorities in Myanmar.

ADB approves USD 150 million for small enterprises in Bangladesh:The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a USD 150 million loan to Bangladesh to finance the cottage, micro, and small-sized enterprises (CMSEs) operated by youth, returning migrant workers, and rural entrepreneurs, particularly women, who have been hit hard by the COVID 19 pandemic.

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